03 April 2009

Naak Naak

Well, finally, I am making myself heard around here. I don't know what's taken them so long, but Mummy and Daddy are finally starting to understand the things I'm saying.

My big sister Kathleen likes to tell Knock Knock jokes. Here's my take on it:

Me: Naak Naak
Mummy: Who's There?
Me: Naak Naak
Mummy: Who's There?
Me: Naak Naak
Mummy: Who's There?

You get the idea? Sometimes I vary it a little:

Me: Naak Naak
Mummy: Who's There?
Me: Mum-mee
Mummy: Mummy Who?
Me: Naak Naak

Ha ha !!!

My absolute favourite game to play is "Catch the Bee". Mummy says they are called flies but I like to call them bees because it's easier. The way to play the game is this:

  • Find a dead fly on the floor
  • Pick it up (squishing it is optional)
  • Call out to Mummy "A Beeeeeeeeeee"
  • Give the bee to Mummy
  • If she doesn't respond then eat the bee

Ha ha !!!

We have a new dog. He is the same size as me. I call him Da-Du. At first I called him Doe-Du but now I like Da-Du better.

We have two cats too. I call them both Bubbie.

I can say lots of other things too. My favourite word is "LAAK" (look). It is such a handy word. If I say it then people look at what I'm pointing at and can see what I'm trying to tell them.

Learning new words is so much fun.


PS: Mummy wanted me to say that she does keep our house clean and it is not full of dead flies. But they keep coming inside to die, and even if she's just vacuumed in the morning there'll be heaps more for me to find by the afternoon.

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